For a while I really considered going Dexter with the story. Gabriels story sort of is - hunting Monsters, who are mostly extra evil people, but not necessarily other serial killers. This is not entirely, where twisted is headed, but they have to start somewhere.
These two guys are based on the hillside stranglers and the bittaker norris duo - visually. Conceptually they re more bittaker norris, who abducted young women and teens in their car, which this car is also based upon. They were incredibly cruel. There is an audio tape sealed away of one of their murders, but transcripts float around. While i did tons and tons of research on serial killers in general, this was one that turned my stomach and had me shake with anger. I had to get these two involved. A slight pinch of guilt refers to the fact, that i studied their appearance and put effort and time to recreate them in part, but oh boy... this chapter is worth that effort.