What an odyssey this chapter was! From 3 pages of script - lots and lots of background information on the gang and jaunes target Jey, i reduced everything to a songtext. I personally heavily associate Jaune with the Where did you sleep last night Song by nirvana. This rund own, dirty, passionate, screaming song that I interpreted as a girl being raped in a forest taking revenge by decapitating her assailant and throwing his head down a well - because i absolutely misheard the lyrics. I could not really figure out, if the Nirvana Text is free to use on projects like these - but it is based on a folksong. That folksong has another interesting story: The Nirvana version is probably a mix up of two songs - one about a train with a possible accident, one about a girl in the pines - sometimes in the mountains. There are many versions of this song with the mix up. I read through many versions with settling on this one - it is the kind of Music Jaune would hear - she enjoys country music and pop. I think the music itsself is a biiiit to sweet, but then again - that drives up the creepiness factor, like most of the murder ballads do. And Jaunes story is one murder ballad after the other.
I decided to cut all the text, because in the end i want to tell the story of the four women and while it is interesting to know, that Jey has a dark past and awakening it is a fun scene, i have to focus the story. Out of this chapter i wanted way more atmosphere than just going through the steps. So here we are. No text, mournful songtext.