Mixing up schizophrenia and dissociative disorder is such a pet peeve of mine. I am just a laywoman, but... having multible personalities is dissociative! Sure, a schizophrenic person can seem and act completely different when they re in a break. And maybe there are people who suffer from both.
The reason why this bothers me, is that i see schizophrenia as one of the worst illnesses to have. Yes, there s MS and huntingtons and incredibly painful sicknesses - these are their whole own world of horror. But not to be able to trust your own mind, the high risk of suicide, the alienation from everyone including from yourself, all that lost time. I have witnessed two people fall completely off the rails. one of them had many supportive people around including a professional who instantly spotted the moment help was needed. She felt so betrayed being whisked off to the asylum, but she was such a danger for herself. I sometimes google her and the once brilliant mind could not fulfill her dream of an academic career. I do not know if shes happy. Her illness might not be the reason she went into a different field.
I used to glamourize mental illness - i mean, look at Gabriel and to a degree Jaune. I used to think tragic works by artists that commited suicide held more power. I felt like being let into their dark, desperate mind. Which might be true. And how being happy would not have let them created such works. But can you imagine what kind of artwork the world would have, if vincent van gogh would have gotten help? I once saw a video on that topic (i think by the art assignment on youtube) and they analyzed how active he was in good times and what he painted in bad times. The good times far outweighed the bad times. How many great works are we robbed off...
If i had always been a truly happy person TwistEd would not exist. But at the moment, if i am really down, i can barely get my job-work done... and i am far from something as severe as schizophrenia.