One of the difficult elements of this comic is the lack of cellphones. If they were easily available in the story, I am sure, L would be caught much quicker. Also... oh boy, there is this central element of her being actually hunted in the beginning of the story. There is a possible arch for Gabriel truly being in the eye of some higher ups. Same goes for Jaune - that part is in the comic. Her being a key witness in that arms dealer trial. For Gabriel there are other reasons - lets just say that she is KNOWN by local law enforcement - but not to the scope of what she is actually up to. But the fact that somebody is after L in the first book... thats not happening anymore. Her crimes are not invisible - in part highly orchestrated to be visible - but law enforcement is either corrupt or burried under their file load.
That went off on a tangent. I wanted to get at... whats Gabriel going on about kids, how does she now... I had to stupidly put in a TV to narrate through L what is happening. Which gabriel could absolutely pick up outside while surrounded by people asking how she is...
But, yeah, imagine how she d deal with Barbera...