The Gabriel-interjections in this chapter where a last minute addition. While usually my goal is to condense the story and kick out everything that isnt for character development, ambience or the main plot, this time i added. For one - i really love drawing the main characters. I still like drawing Jaune least. For some reason her face is the hardest to draw for me. The lady has this weird thing where shes almost always recognizable, even if i mess up proportions and she doesnt look as much lady-ish as she could. barbara, well. look at her. And gabriel is full on comfort zone. She s been my go to character for years and years. the Self-insert where i expect the viewer to see themselves. well. not in twisted. Gabriel is too deranged. I see it like... you have to imagine to looking up at the monster conglomerate i drew above gabriels head to feel the horror. and having a human in a horror picture is great for scale.