I remember that I really enjoyed the script on this page. So much so that while drawing it, i completelly overloaded the page with text. I have done that again and again. Maybe it is a stylistic choice by now... well, not a conscious one. I try to keep it in mind and play more with it. When lettering this page, it became apparent, that horror vacui got to me again and i filled up spaces that might have done better as white background for all the grey value the text creates. Then again - it is a confusing situation, with Barbera and Gabriel constantly talking on different layers and Schroedinger just barely keeping up.
Gabriel brings up herself and Jaune, because she witnessed Schroedinger being buried under work - namely weird murder cases like Mr. Jackson (which was a missing person case up until this page) and the Satanist Butchers, which is the Ladies way of redirecting Schroedingers resources. As Schroedinger herself she thinks, cleaning up the FBI is much more important. So much the plan. By this page though... Barbera can t really let S go anymore.