to be honest, i like this page more without the color, but it did not feel consistent so I increased the color intensity and strew in some of the main color that is about to follow. Usually I have a very clear color image when I think of certain situation - this time I don t. I just have been to another American Diner and it had a completely different color mood than the previous one. Yeah - this is not exactly a diner. More a dingy bar, but it has these stupid slot machines as well. There was one 24hr shop - bakery - thing on my way back to the subway from the club i used to go to in Berlin. It was mainly red, but also had a brightly lit bakery tray as well as colorful and way too loud slot machines and windows onto a busy, bright street. My thoughts are trailing off a bit - I just have trouble, getting the right feel for a place like this. Sure, grubby, dirty, run down is not that hard for me to do, but high saturated red and the lady s purple in the same picture... that was easier with ballpoint pen and pencils.