Oh man. I just lost it. I am shaking with disbelief... so. I am not a programmer. I have a really hard time to put together a page like this. I need to read up on every function. Sure it s not the smartest way to still trying to make a page if one is not entirely understanding, what is happening. My hosting service informed me that they have upgraded to php 7 and aparently all my mysql syntax has been discontinued with 5.something. Somebody who really knows this stuff probably scoffs... i mean - I feel like i should concentrate on drawing and telling the story and not on this side. I have so many special requirements though and cannot afford to pay a programmer that i come at each month with tiny, miniscule requests of some things to change in the page. I rather be able to do this myself.
But now - i am swamped with error messages and when I read up on each mistakes, i just see that some syntax has changed. instead of saying: Line A - please go to this Database. Line B - please fetch info this from this Database, it now is in Line B: Oh, you remember Line A? Yeah, first do this, then fetch my info. But... I just told it to go to... RRARRGGGH. And now i get some mistake i simply cannot understand. If i look up the syntax, i am using this command exactly as needed. But i have the suspicion that something is wrong at a different part of the file that might influence how the apparent culprit is read and understood... And this is eating up my time and i am getting angry because i have so so much to do... But if twisted is not running, this breaks my back. If this page breaks - i put 4 years of tweaks and little updates into this.
But I am considering paying a programmer to update this page and streamline the code, that is a giant mess. I imagine it like somebody giving me quite the pasted together horrible little comic and asking me to redraw it in nice.
I had many, many moments while working on this, where i thought: Screw it, just put all the pages in a folder for people to leaf through. Or just stick to one comic reader platform. Stop doing the extra coded pages. All this extra work ist just giving this comic a tiny percent of improvement that might be better invested somewhere else where it shows way more. I am again at this point and am seriously considering shutting this page down and directing it to the tapastic page... but man, tapastic has white background and ads and the reading format is really not nice for a long narrative like twisted. I had so much else to say about this page, but i am almost broken from how the page looked tonight.