I m on vacation right now. With the other artist we started musing about how we used to get insanely infused with passion for a series or a new tool or music... this gets harder. there are still so many things i deeply cherish and get all happy and sad for the beauty, but that deep longing and nuclear hit of inspiration is hard to get by. I have folders and folders, ten thousands of hand picked pictures that inspire me in some way - and several layers of DRAW THIS INSTANTLY HOLY SHIT folders on top of it and all of them fill with stuff... but that inspiration, that i had to drop everything and spent 40plus hours to create something with the inspiration in mind... thats hardly possible in my day to day. Twisted was such a project in the beginning. its much to complex to just create by now. I still do it from time to time and just go all out on a chapter cover or a whole series like THE RED with Jaune. or that In the Pines Chapter.