Did you catch it? DID YOU?!
I just really couldnt resist. at first L was looking just at M. then i made it a 4th wall break, but then... oh boy, i am the funniest person ever haha never done before... i do not think 4th wall breaks are a thing for twistEd though...
i scrapped one line of dialogue that was the Lady saying - i always had a weakness for your teen poetry. but it doesnt feel like something L would say or actually feel. It was just another jab. and ironically here she is also going romantic poetry mode.
I also de-detailed the main frame. It had more structure and even more dramatic lightning with emphazising Ls bust as a shape. I am not that uncomfortable drawing feminine figures anymore but the way i lit the scene and the way the areas of black and white were distributed really drew the eye towards Ls breasts, which are pretty non relevant to the story. For Jaune I would have left it in at a point where she is in control, because she occasionally uses her body as a weapon.