I really should change this input page into some kind of night mode. I am staring at a giantly stark white framework to input this. The most convenience I included was a list of the 3 last Variables I used for chapters. The code of this page is ancient...
One thing that was a red thread through this chapter was the guy just not being able to fathom HOW delusional Jaune is. How serious she is about MAKING THIS WORK. Jaune adapts to what she thinks her potential admirer seeks in her. And she also is right - she did figure out that Father Scissors motivation is not sleeping with his step daughter. Genius, isnt she. But that is something the Lady is wrong about.
The Lady did teach Jaune though to not take any more crap. Drawing blood might not have been a good decision.
I am also bewildered at how Barbera Mr Sciccors here is. He absolutely cannot control himself. He really is out of shape. Originally I had planned that hes truly long out of being a killer and gets over excited, which also is his downfall. That was just a heap of deus ex, which i cannot stand, but am afraid do use sometimes, too. I am babbling, because it is already 5am again, this was a horrid day of stress and i did not finish my work. At least I managed to upload this page. Honestly, guys. Its 2021. Rona is still around. I regularly need medication and germany 2021 wants me to physically go to a doctor and get my writ, physically handing a card that prooves i was in the doctors office. This is not dangerous medication and to get checked if everything works ok, there has to be bloodwork done. That doesnt happen at my refill sessions. every. single. time. Just send that prescription to the apothecary without me physically sitting in a room with sick people. Thats just how the day got started. Oh no - wait, it started with the daycare needing us to get kiddo earlier because they have trouble covering their shift. I have nothing but admiration and gratitude towards the wonderful daycare workers, but that... well... put another layer of stress of sitting in that waiting room, watching the hands of the clock move past the - please get your kid by this time - mark. I organized a solution. Kiddo got fetched at the right time. Nobody had to stay longer. There was a time i needed 3 regular medications all from different specialists. at the beginning of the pandemic i still needed those and decided to get rid of my phsych meds, because thats the one that was the most difficult to get. I tried doing this per post - my sacred card got lost. Then I was out of meds and out of card. But i did not decide this on my own - talked this over with psychiatrist who gave ok. So, you know, not doing a Gabriel here.